Donate & Garden Giving Club

Every donated gift provides unrestricted operating support that is meaningful to the life of the Garden, as well as to our educational and cultural programming. Your gift is vital to our growth. Thank you.

Make a one-time donation today.

Interested in supporting the Garden on a deeper level and receive personal opportunities to learn about the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden? Learn more about our Garden Giving Club below.

Garden Giving Club
Givers that Grow

Garden Giving Club donors are passionate, philanthropic supporters making important investments in the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden’s work in education, environmental stewardship, sustainable practices, wellness, and accessibility. Opportunities to attend exclusive events, receptions, and interact with staff provide these donors a deeper and personalized understanding of the Botanical Garden’s mission.Learn more about the different Garden Giving Club Levls to see which one fits you best.


Cactus Garden

Tulip Garden

Iris Garden

Water Lily Garden

Orchid Garden

Bonsai Garden

I want to become or renew my support by being a Garden Giving Club donor
Please address mailed donations to:
Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden
Philanthropy Department
909 Robert D. Ray Drive
Des Moines, Iowa  50309-2897

Questions? Contact or 515.402.4279.

Federal Tax ID: 42-0540765